A comprehensive backup software for Mac

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Save your data is of paramount importance if you consider that your data has some significance. A computer or a disk can fail, data can be accidentally destroyed, a computer can be stolen or destroyed in a fire.
Whether personal or professional, some data is irreplaceable and will never be possible to reconstruct if lost: photos of a particular event, documents created by you, etc.
Tri-BACKUP lets you protect your data from a single copy on an external drive to a set of actions to backup on different medias that you can keep in different locations for maximum security (including backups on the internet) .

This is DOS, so use ' for paths. Of course, you will lose Mac OS X attributes such as owner, user rights, attached system information (such as Spotlight comment) and resource forks. But unless your files use resource forks (used mostly in Mac OS 9) you can safely backup using the cp command. If you like to keep your dock automatically hidden for more screen real estate on your Mac, it might bug you that it takes a good half second for it to show up when you mouse over it.

With Tri-BACKUP, you have all the tools to easily set up your backups and monitor the proper implementation. With all its many possibilities, you can create a backup system exactly right for you.

Programmed Actions: backups that run automatically

Programmed actions are made to perform the backup job.

You can create multiple programmed actions by using the various modes available to you. You can save a file or copy an entire disk, synchronize two folders, etc. Programmed actions retain your settings and run when you choose, or are triggered at special events (when you connect a drive, you leave an application, etc.).
Of course, you can choose to start any of your programmed actions manually at the time of your choice.

Immediate Actions: verify and check exactly what you copy

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Immediate actions let you check and compare, but also perform a specific operation.

Immediate actions to copy or sync display the contents of records or records showing the differences. You can review and analyze the differences, but also choose what to copy, delete elements, etc.
You can use the filters to exclude certain items and options to adapt the action for you.

Intelligent copies and backups

When a backup (or copy) has already been performed, Tri-BACKUP then copies only the changed items, without wasting time copying again what does not need to be.
You can also add filters to your actions to exclude certain folders or files that you do not need, and limit the space occupied and the execution time.


Transparent and discrete operations

Once your actions created, Tri-BACKUP is in charge of run them in the background without interfering with your work or slowing down your computer. Your data will be regularly backed up. If desired, Tri-BACKUP update an exact copy of your boot drive so that if something goes wrong, you can continue working on the copy keeping your usual environment, your settings, data and applications.

Easy restoration of your data

When necessary, a backup tool must help you to restore your data as simply and efficiently as possible.

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From the Finder: Tri-BACKUP backs up your data by replicating the folders hierarchy. So you can retrieve files directly from the Finder without using Tri-BACKUP.
Looking for the most recent backup: Tri-BACKUP tells you what action has recently saved a particular file, and where. You can easily get the latest version.
Time Machine backups: Tri-BACKUP also allows you to compare and retrieve data that was backed up by Time Machine, while benefiting from the filters and options of the Tri-BACKUP actions.

Tri-BACKUP can restore an entire disk as well as a particular folder.

More features

Minimum system: create a bootable with a minimal system disk, to create a rescue disk, for example on a USB stick.
Duplicate a partition map: create a new disc with the same partitions as an existing drive to easily make a copy of a disk organization.
Copy hidden partitions: Mac disks can contain hidden system partitions that are never mounted. You can directly copy these partitions.
Recovery HD: you can recreate a Recovery HD partition for Mac OS X.

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Pro VersionLd38 - space migrator mac os.

  • FTP Backups
  • Email alerts

Tri-BACKUP is also available in Pro version, which adds specific functions such as backup to web server, control the actions from another machine, double checking of copy, or sending e-mail alerts (for example, to send email to an administrator when errors were detected, or to monitor the proper implementation of backups).

What is new in Tri-BACKUP 9?

Version 9 is a brand new version of Tri-BACKUP for Mac OS X 10.9 or more.

New features:

- New programmed action 'Copy and Organize'.
- New Survey programmed action (to survey if the contents of a folder or volume change).
- New access to see the number of versions of each file saved in Evolutive Backup.
- New extension filter to copy only files based on extensions (copy only image, video, audio.. files).
- New 'Add to Favorites' option to filter and launch more quicker your favorite actions.
- Reports the number of items excluded by filters during the execution of actions.
- New Suspend activity option in the Before/After operations.
- Many new options to better monitor and control your Mac and your backups.
- Many enhancements.
- More controls and information in the Scheduler menu.
- etc.

Main features

• Bootable copies, minimal system creation, partial copies, multiple filters, automatic triggers.
• Multiple modes: copy, backup, synchronization, deletion, compression, comparison, etc.
• Multiple backup modes: Evolutive (which keeps multiple versions of each document), Mirror (identical copy), Incremental partial Disc Copy, etc.
• Survey action detects any change in the contents of a folder or disk and can launch the execution of an action.
• Copy and reorganize files depending of their date and extension.

• 'Programmed Actions' running in the background, with automatic execution.
• Management of various contexts (office, home, nomad) to adapt the execution of certain actions (so that they are activated only in a particular context).
• 'Immediate Actions' to check and control precisely what needs to be copied, deleted or modified.
• Ability to make encrypted backup (password protected).
• Create an unlimited number of programmed actions.
• Opening of immediate actions containing the settings stored in your programmed actions.
• Restoration with search of the location where the most recent backup of a particular folder was done.
• Restore Time Machine backups.
• History of executed actions, of copied files, etc.
• Posts information on the progress of actions.
• Automatically mount remote volumes.
• Many tools and information modules.
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Trial version : a demo version is available for your testing. It is fully functional, but is limited in time.

For Mac OS X 10.9 or more

A software created by TED
Distributed by TRI-EDRE

What is a .sit file?

A .sit file is a Stuffit archive, much like ZIP files today, except that .sit is a proprietary archive format from the 90's which allowed Mac users to confidently 'stuff' their files, applications and documents into a flat file that could then be copied to a non-Mac hard drive partition, namely a DOS (FAT32) or Windows (NTFS) partition, without any risk of DATA corruption.

You see, throughout the 80's, 90's and all the way up to mid 2000's, anybody using any Mac OS version prior to Mac OS X was using .sit archives to transfer their files onto PC's, servers or to send them by email or FTP, for instance, since transfering any pre-OSX era file to a non-Mac partition or by an ASCII encoding way would destroy the file's resource fork, which would essentially render the destination file totally useless. Effectively, except very early 1984 Macintoshes, they all used HFS or HFS+ partitions to store their files (and their resource forks) all the way up to Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra which shifted away from HFS+ in favor of APFS.

Some document formats did not use a resource fork even back then, such as plain ASCII text documents, archives (.hqx, .bin, .zip, .cpt, etc.. which all of these and many more can be expanded using Stuffit Expander) and .sit archives of course :P But just about anything else in a pre-2003-ish Mac, especially applications, all had a highly sensitive resource fork.

How to use or extract .sit archives contents?

To extract or expand a .sit archive, you simply open it with Stuffit Expander UNDER MAC OS of course, even if Stuffit Expander had a version for Windows at some point, since it makes absolutely no sense to expand an old Mac file stuffed in a .sit archive outside of a HFS partition. If you have time to lose, then do it and see your expanded files destroyed, stripped of their resource fork, rendered totally useless.

Always try to use the most recent version of Stuffit Expander available for your Mac OS since there were some changes in the Stuffit format throughout the years. Everything on MR should be expandable using Stuffit Expander 5.5.

Under Classic Mac OS (before Mac OS X)

Mac OS 7.5 to Mac OS 9.2.2: Stuffit Expander 5.5

Mac OS 6.0 to Mac OS 7.1: Stuffit Expander 4.0.2

Under Mac OS X

Use The Unarchiver

Under Windows

Do not attempt to expand any .sit file under Windows.