1. Charger: charger connected, not charging UPS: UPS not installed System: clamshell is closed, clamshell was closed on wake up Voltage: 12.534V Current: 0.000A Charge: 2.778Ah of 2.923Ah (95.0%) Capacity: 2.923Ah of 4.200Ah (69.6%) Cycles: 108 Only 69.6% capacity even though I'm effectivly fully charged?
  2. This points the Terminal to your desktop rather than your user folder. You can point Terminal to any folder you want for this tutorial. Enter: touch Purge. And press enter. This creates a new file called 'Purge' on your desktop, you won't see it just yet though. Enter: pico Purge. And press enter. This opens up the Terminal editor for the purge.

Use ioreg command to get battery cycle count 33 comments Create New Account

Who is listening on a given TCP port on Mac OS X? OS X: equivalent of Linux's wget. How do I clear/delete the current line in terminal? How to install Java 8 on Mac. Run / Open VSCode from Mac Terminal. Hot Network Questions What should I do with the copyright details in a codebase when modifying it when it wasn't forked? Changing the Mac Terminal title. The basic escape sequence you need to change the Terminal title from the command line is this: echo -n -e ' 0330;YOUR TITLE HERE 007' When you issue this command from the command line of a Mac Terminal window, it will change the title in the Terminal's title bar to 'YOUR TITLE HERE.'

Click here to return to the 'Use ioreg command to get battery cycle count' hint
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
you need to specift the clip width for ioreg with ioreg -w0 -l (from man ioreg)
-w Clip the output to the specified line width. The default width value is the current screen size. A value of 0 specifies an unlimited line width.

..or, recalling the unix command 'fmt'
ioreg -l grep Capacity fmt
ioreg -l fmt grep Capacity Www meridianbet com.

No, this way doesn't work, because it's ioreg that is clipping the content, not grep. Running it through fmt does nothing to bring back content that has already been lost.

So, what does this mean, exactly? My cycle count is 196. Is my battery getting on in years, or is that really good?

has some info on this.
i'm not sure what is or isn't good for apple laptops (since the cycle count # meaning will be different for each batch of batteries).
Mind the gap..

(our own Mac OS X Hints site!) has some *really* good info as well.
Mind the gap..

This article is more specific than the others posted. It says the lifetime of a lithiumi-ion battery is in the range of 300-500 cycles.

interesting, my ibook's battery has a Cycle Count of 865. https://onlymacfglpossoft-pokeritchknife.peatix.com. my Capacity is down to 2858, which is still decent considering its age. (the capacity used to be as high as 3530)

There is a small utility which gives practically the same number of
elements as this command : Battorox (freeware) : http://www.branox.com/Battorox/Battorox.html
This small software must be based on this quite practical command.
Afflicted for my English, but I am French.

Battorox may be doing something different, because it doesn't indicate the cycle count, which is the entire point of this hint.

Last version 1.7.8 indicates the cycle count now

Rob wrote..

Note that I have wrapped the lines by hand -- they're actually really wide single lines. If you don't set your Terminal window *really* wide, though, you won't see all the output; it gets chopped with a $ symbol. Is there a 'wrap' option on grep that I'm not aware of?

You can change this behavior in Terminal itself. Click on the Terminal menu item, then Window Settings.., and a dialog window will pop up. In the dropdown widget at the top of the window, select Buffer, then in the Scrollback section check the box next to Wrap lines that are too long. While you're here, you may also want to check the boxes next to Rewrap lines on window resize and Scroll to bottom on input.

It should possible to get the same result with the defaults command:

defaults write com.apple.Terminal Autowrap YES
defaults write com.apple.Terminal Backwrap YES
defaults write com.apple.Terminal RewrapOnResize YES

Hope this helps!


Oh and, in case it isn't clear, after changing settings for a window in the dialog box, push the Use Settings as Defaults button to make the change permanent for new windows.

This probably won't take effect for other currently open windows, though I haven't tested that yet. New windows will have the new setting, so opening new windows or relaunching Terminal will make the changes available.

The same constraint applies to the defaults command as well -- you'll need to open new windows or restart Terminal for it to work. Ash of war mac os.


What I like to do if I get a result from a Terminal command that is either really long, or all on one line. I just 'pipe it' to a file.
So, for this command I do:
ioreg -l >> ioreg.txt
Which dumps everything into that text file (in the current directory), then I can read it much more easily, search it, save it ect. Works great for man pages too.

Oh, I wanted to put up my result from ioreg.. it's no wonder my battery doesn't hold a charge anymore! My TiBook is showing 100% capacity!
'IOBatteryInfo' = ({'Capacity'=176,'Amperage'=0,'Cycle Count'=299,'Current'=176,'Voltage'=16386,'Flags'=838860805,'AbsoluteMaxCapacity'=3600})
Is there any way to 'fool' the computer or the battery into thinking the Capacity is actually somewhre close to the 'AbsoluteMax?'

For reference, if anyone is interested, I have this:
'Amperage'=18446744073709549742 (when power is plugged in, the amperage is 0)
'Cycle Count'=31
'Flags'=4 (when power is plugged in, the flags value is 1090519045)
(PBook G4 1.5G 17')

Hmm, I have all these settings turned on in my Window Settings/Buffer but ioreg and other commands like ps -ax still spit out lines that are too long, not wrapped, and end with a '$'. I even set these as the default and still no luck. Any ideas?

Use 'ioreg -l -w 0' (that's a zero) to disable the stupid truncating with the $.
God only knows why Apple would design a non-interactive program to destroy it's output by default..

use 'ps axww' instead, then ps won't truncate its output. (I typically add the 'u' flag too, but I don't remember why)

I'm amazed that you took the time to write all that about the Terminal settings but didn't bother to test it to find out it doesn't solve the problem.

I've updated my free and editable Battery Info AppleScript to reflect the new cycle count parameter.

Very nice little script. One small suggestion, add a link back to your website below the battery information. I would like to be able to check back for future updates in a simple way. As it is, I just added the URL to your website in the comments section of the Info tab. Anyway, thanx for the great little script. Keep up the good work. =)

The MAC DADDY of all battery status indication apps, scripts or shell scripts is located here:
Version 1.3 of the little guy has been updated to work with the changes in ioreg of 10.3.8
I had been using the old 1.1 version of this script and getting terrible results in 10.3.8 and started going down the long road of calibration thinking that would fix things. Now I have lost over 100Ah on my battery calibration due to time contrtaints and have to start over! This script is THE MAC of all battery apps. Just drag the shell script into a terminal window and hit return! Wish I'd seen this hint a day sooner!
Hmm... When I run this script, all is well accept for the capactiy. It shows:
Battery: battery installed, above warning level
Charger: charger connected, not charging
UPS: UPS not installed
System: clamshell is closed, clamshell was closed on wake up
Voltage: 12.534V
Current: 0.000A
Charge: 2.778Ah of 2.923Ah (95.0%)
Capacity: 2.923Ah of 4.200Ah (69.6%)
Cycles: 108

Only 69.6% capacity even though I'm effectivly fully charged? I thought I had noticed a decrease in battery time. This first gen 12' PB is starting to show her age..

Mac Os Terminal Commands

OK, I'll reply to my own post. So I've been running my PB for a while off the battery now, and I'm down to 74% charge, however the capacaty has stayed constant at 69.6%. So what gives? Am I understanding this wrong? Is there a way to fix this? Will a calibration perhaps get me back up to near 100% again? Thanx in advance.

Capacity isn't charge. Capacity is how much your battery-when-full compares to a brand new battery. Note that when you were at 95%, your capacity was being compared at 2.923Ah against a brand new battery's charge of 4.200Ah. And, no, most likely a calibration will not get you up near 100%. Although there are things you can Google for and look on the site here for with regards to trying to wring more life out of your battery, the more recharging cycles you go through, the more you lose capacity, until you eventually have to purchase a replacement battery.

wow, on my new 12' powerbook I get this
'IOBatteryInfo' = ({'Capacity'=4555,'Amperage'=18446744073709550267,
showing a capacity greater than the AbsoluteMaxCapacity. Not sure how that can be.
also it only shows a cycle count of 6, I have had this powerbook since Saturday and and thought I had gone through more cycles than that.

In contrast, my wife's Pismo from 2000 still on the same battery reads:
'IOBatteryInfo' = ({'Capacity'=10000,'Amperage'=0,'Cycle Count'=756,'Current'=0,'Voltage'=0,'Flags'=32,'AbsoluteMaxCapacity'=4800},{'Capacity'=546,'Amperage'=18446744073709550163,'Cycle Count'=756,'Current'=2,'Voltage'=10946,'Flags'=148,'AbsoluteMaxCapacity'=4800})
Capacity=10000 sounds a bit off though so I'm running the battery down to see if it changes any stats. I've been on 0% for the last 20 minutes or so without any ill effect.

ioreg -l grep Capacity less

err, nevermind. I spoke too soon.

ioreg -l -w300 > huh.txt ; open huh.txt
pipe the output to a file then open the file in the textEdit.
Just discovered that there is no sideways scrolling in textedit <boggle?!?>
Wouldn't recommend the -w0 option for this method.

I noticed this a couple of days ago. It broke the script that I was using to monitor my battery with Geektool. It's been updated, but did they really have to put a space in 'Cycle Count'? 'AbsoluteMaxCapacity' doesn't have any..

Install Mac Os Terminal

Geektool is great for monitoring this type of information. If anyone's interested, all of my scripts for it are posted in the geektool forum.

I was offered a penny for my thoughts, so I gave my two cents.. I got ripped off.

Hi all,
Is there any software tool/script/command to find energy consumption by LCD and Wireless Interface? Someting like powertutor for Android.
Thanks & Best Regards,

I just recently had the opportunity to sit with Aaron Nelson and go through some really cool Powershell features, and I’m certainly going to spend time getting to know Powershell a lot better. If you didn’t know, Powershell isn’t exclusive to Windows anymore – you can actually run a basic set of Powershell features, called Powershell Core, on Mac OS and Linux as well.

But there’s a problem.

By default, running the “pwsh” command just starts Powershell Core in a regular terminal window. The first thing you’ll notice is that this doesn’t really play well if you’re using a white background, as the output is often light grey, yellow or even white.

So wouldn’t it be cool if we could launch our Powershell Core in the stylish blue world of bliss that Windows users have become so accustomed to?

Setting up a color profile

You probably already know that you can customize the Mac Terminal to death, and you may even have noticed that you can create different profiles for different purposes:

What you can do is, you can create a separate profile for your Powershell Core stuff, customize all those colors, fonts, and what-not. But here’s where it gets funkier:

You can set a custom command to start when you open a terminal window with this profile: enter pwsh in the “Run command” field at the top, and now, every time you open a window with this profile, it starts Powershell Core automatically, saving you all of five keystrokes.

The “Run inside shell” checkbox needs to be enabled!

In fact, you may even want to put “pwsh; exit” (without the quotes) in the “Run command” field – this will terminate the bash shell automatically when the pwsh process ends, so typing “exit” in Powershell will close the window.

Mac Os Terminal Commands Pdf

Another slight annoyance is that when you want to close the window, technically the “pwsh” process is still running (unless you type “exit”), so you’ll get a friendly confirmation dialog that you’ll have to deal with:

Terminal Charge Mac OS

Terminal Charge Mac Os 11

Black jack free. To make this window go away, and save you another five keystrokes, look at the bottom of the “Shell” tab of the “Preferences” window, in the “Ask when closing” section. If you add “pwsh” to that list of applications, the terminal won’t ask you for confirmation if you want to close the window.

Obviously, that warning is there for a reason, so it’s really your call if you want to do this.

The result

Terminal For Mac

Now, when you open Terminal, you can select “New Window” -> “Powershell” from the “Shell” menu…

… and voilà: