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Today's Legion spotlight covers Elemental Shaman spell animations and hidden demons in Dalaran. There's also new details on the Old God N'Zoth and a new shot of Garona from the movie. Finally, recent blue posts have covered the Warcraft III Patch and more Legion PvP.

Elemental Shaman Spell Animations

Next up for Legion Spell Animations series are Elemental Shaman. Their artifact weapon, Punho de Ra-den, was given to Ra-den by Aman'Thul to fight the Old Gods and the Black Empire. This is our 18th Legion spell animation video; we're at the halfway point! We have a playlist if you want to catch up on the other specs, as well as playlists for mounts, artifact models, and artifact quests.
Below are some of the spell animations featured in the video: Terremoto, Totem de Magma Líquido, Algifúria, Cadeia de Raios + Sobrecarga Estática, Guardião da Tempestade, Fúria das Tempestades, Estouro de Lava + Inferno Vulcânico, Para-raios

N'Zoth Spotlight

Yesterday, Hearthstone released a spotlight on N'Zoth as well as some cards. We've previously covered how N'Zoth is likely imprisoned in Vashj'ir due to the underwater tentacles, faceless ones like Comandante Ulthok, and ominous quests like Ele virá. In this blog, we hear a little more about the chaos N'Zoth is responsible for.
  • Emerald Nightmare: The Emerald Nightmare is a corrupted version of the Emerald Dream. In World of Warcraft Chronicle, we learn that the Emerald Nightmare was started when the Night Elves planted World Trees, one of which reached Yogg-Saron's prison. This allowed the other Old Gods to use the trees as a gateway to corrupt the Emerald Nightmare. In early WoW expansions, players encountered the Emerald Nightmare through Naralex's disciples in Caverna Ululante, The Overgrowth in Sertões Meridionais, the corrupted Green Dragon world bosses (removed in Cataclysm), and the Valithria Andassonho encounter in Icecrown Citadel. The Emerald Nightmare also has a major role in Legion, spoilers under the cut:
    The Emerald Nightmare is spreading from Shala'drassil in Val'sharah in the Broken Isles. As part of the corruption, Xavius captures Malfurion Stormrage and corrupts Ysera. The final quest in Val'sharah sends you to help Tyrande subdue Ysera and thwart the attack on the Temple of Elune. The Emerald Nightmare is also the first raid in Legion with bosses Cenarius and Xavius.
  • Corrupting Neltharion: Before Deathwing, Neltharion was the noble leader of the Black Dragonflight, helping his allies protect Azeroth. HIs moment of betrayal happened during the War of the Ancients when he used the power of the Dragon Soul, an item with the essence of all the Dragonflights, on both the Burning Legion and the Dragonflights. You can watch his moment of betrayal after defeating Rainha Azshara in Nascente da Eternidade. Deathwing is later defeated in Alma Dragônica in the encounters Spine of Deathwing and Madness of Deathwing. Deathwing was responsible for the massive destruction in Azeroth during the Cataclysm.
  • Highborne Transformation: The destruction of the Well of Eternity turned Azshara and her loyal Highborne into Naga. Several items reference this transformation, like the Archaeology solve Ossos de Transformação. One of the most well-known Naga is Lady Vashj, the final boss of Serpentshrine Cavern. In Legion, Azshara and her handmaidens hope to retrieve the Restoration Shaman artifact Sharas'dal, o Cetro das Marés so they can gain more control over the plane of water. There is also a quest series with Naga, Lembranças esquecidas de Vashj'ir, in Vashj'ir which is likely the location for N'Zoth's prison.

Below is the newly-revealed Hearthstone card for N'Zoth, and on a cuter note, the Brood of N'Zoth. More details on Hearthhead:

Demons in Legion Dalaran

Dalaran not only has visual updates in Legion, it has a dark secret--demons! Lorde Vípero and Armando Darco are demons disguised as humans in Dalaran that periodically spawn.
You! demon hunter! Have you been inside the Violent Hold?
These imbecile guards keep waving me away. Do they not know who I am?

Luckily, several specs can expose these demons. Demon Hunters can use Visão Espectral and Protection Paladins glow and get a special action button when they are near a demon in disguise.

Movie Posters

WarcraftMovie has tweeted two new teaser posters: one of Garona and one of the Alliance and Horde facing off.

'Face Off' Warcraft Images

Yesterday we posted some pics of the Warcraft episode of 'Face Off.' With the episode now available to rewatch, we've posted some additional pictures:

Blue Posts


Warcraft III has received a modern-day update!Patch 1.27a is aimed at enabling this legacy title to run smoothly on contemporary operating systems, and the client now has improved compatibility with Windows 7 and above and Mac OS X. Take a look at the Warcraft III forum post for more information on the patch, and head over to the Shop to grab your digital copy of the game.We also released a similar patch for Diablo II. You can find more details on patch 1.14a on the Diablo II forum, and get your copy here.Further updates are planned for both Diablo II and Warcraft III in the future, as we keep working behind the scenes to make sure you continue to have a great gaming experience. Details will be available as development progresses. Thank you for continuing to play these classic games!
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Last updated: December 1, 9:00am PST
Additional patch 4.3 content and support information can be found here.
Notes for all World of Warcraft patches can be found here.
In the wake of the Cataclysm, Azeroth's champions rose up to thwart the forces of the maddened black Dragon Aspect, Deathwing. Thus far the world's defenders have shattered the power base of the Twilight's Hammer cult and defeated the raging elemental lords Al'Akir and Ragnaros. Yet despite these victories, as long as Deathwing is free to pursue his twisted goals, Azeroth will remain under threat.
No one is more aware of this fact than the great Dragon Aspects Alexstrasza, Nozdormu, Ysera, and Kalecgos. Together with the wise shaman Thrall, they have devised a plan to vanquish Deathwing with a weapon of his own design: the infamous Dragon Soul.

In patch 4.3, Thrall and the noble Aspects will call upon the Horde and the Alliance to help them retrieve the artifact--no longer in existence--from the distant past. Those brave enough to face the challenge will embark on a perilous journey from Azeroth's apocalyptic End Time to the Dragon Soul's point of origin during the catastrophic War of the Ancients. If the heroes succeed, an even more harrowing battle awaits them in the present..


  • New Dungeon: End Time
    This new 5-player Heroic dungeon begins the quest to save all with a look at the desolate future of Azeroth, should its defenders fail to stop Deathwing.

New Dungeon: Well of Eternity
  • In this new 5-player Heroic dungeon, adventurers travel back 10,000 years in a brazen attempt to retrieve the Dragon Soul.

New Dungeon: Hour of Twilight
  • This new 5-player Heroic dungeon sets the final stage by bringing players face-to-face with the Twilight’s Hammer in present-day Dragonblight, where Thrall and the Dragon Soul must be safely escorted to Wyrmrest Temple so that the assault on Deathwing can commence.

New Raid: Dragon Soul
  • Players have the opportunity to take the fight to Wyrmrest Temple and beyond, assisting Thrall and the Dragon Aspects as they seek to bring an end to the Black Dragonflight once and for all. 10- and 25-person raids will get to take on Deathwing himself, with three levels of difficulty to consider and epic gear to claim.

New Baradin Hold boss: Alizabal
  • Alizabal presents an all-new boss challenge to player in 10- and 25-player arrangements who control Tol Barad. This boss will be available with the start of Season 11, one week after the release of patch 4.3.

New Legendary Item: Fangs of the Father (Fangs of the Father)
  • The most deadly and experienced rogues will play a central role in the fate of the world the rogue’s way: by manipulating key events from the shadows. Players will travel across continents to accomplish crucial missions of reconnaissance, burglary, infiltration and, of course, assassination. Rogues who succeed will receive a paired set of daggers that will become increasingly lethal as their bearer progresses along the legendary quest. At the height of their strength, they will be imbued with the vile essence of the Old Gods, as well as the maddened fury of the Black Dragonflight -- bestowing great power upon their bearer. These powers include a stacking increase to Agility which builds until dark wings unfurl from the rogue’s back, removing the combo point cost and increasing damage of finishing moves for a short time. In addition, the wings which can be spread on command (with no combat benefit) to slow a rapid descent, allowing the rogue to slowly fall to the ground… or enact a little death from above!

New Feature: Raid Finder
  • This new grouping feature allows players to quickly and easily form a pick-up raid for a specially tuned version of the current tier of endgame content: the Dragon Soul raid.

New Feature: Transmogrification
  • This new feature allows players to customize their gear like never before: copying the appearance of one magical item onto another. You’ll find Transmogrification, Void Storage, and Reforging vendors in Cathedral Square, Stormwind and The Drag, Orgrimmar.

New Feature: Void Storage
  • In addition to the bank, players will now have access to a new 'deep storage' system, allowing characters to free bag space by setting aside coveted gear. You'll find Transmogrification, Void Storage, and Reforging vendors in Cathedral Square, Stormwind and The Drag, Orgrimmar.

  • The former Reforging vendors have been.. retired. The ethereals have chosen to take over the business and joined their Transmogrification and Void Storage service providers. You'll find them in Cathedral Square, Stormwind and The Drag, Orgrimmar.

Darkmoon Faire
  • Make your way to Darkmoon Island during the first week of every month to take in the new Darkmoon Faire, complete with new quests, shows, games, recipes, toys, balloons, souvenirs, snacks, beverages, achievements, and titles.

Improved Outland & Northrend Quest Flow
  • The amount of experience needed to gain levels 71 through 80 has been reduced by approximately 33%.
  • Many Group quests in Outland and Northrend have been re-tuned to allow players to complete them solo. They are no longer labeled as Group quests.
  • Relevant questgivers have been moved into Outland and Northrend dungeons. The majority of dungeon quests for these zones are now available from within their respective dungeons.


  • The achievement Master of Alterac Valley no longer requires the The Alterac Blitz achievement.
  • The achievement Tol Barad Veteran now requires 25 victories in Tol Barad, down from 100.



  • for Protection warriors, Protection paladins, Blood death knights, and Feral druids has been redesigned slightly. It no longer ramps up slowly at the beginning of a fight. Instead, the first melee attack taken by the tank generates Vengeance equal to 33% of the damage taken by that attack. In addition, as it updates periodically during the fight, it's always set to at least 33% of the damage taken by the tank in the last 2 seconds. It still climbs from that point at the rate it did previously, still decays when damage is not taken, and still cannot exceed a maximum based on the health and Stamina of the tank.
  • Threat generated by classes in active tanking modes has been increased to 500% damage done, up from 300%. This applies to druids in Bear Form, death knights in Veteran of the Third War, warriors in Vanguard, and paladins with Righteous Fury active.
  • Spells which have an effect broken by taking damage past a threshold (Entangling Roots, Fear, Frost Nova, etc.) now count damage that was prevented by damage absorbs or other damage reducing effects.
  • Buffs
    All raid and party buffs which grant group members 10% increased attack power have been changed slightly. They continue to provide 10% increased ranged attack power, but now provide 20% increased melee attack power.
    : The melee attack power bonus from this raid buff has been increased to 10/20%, up from 5/10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 5/10%.
  • : The melee attack power bonus from this raid buff has been increased to 20%, up from 10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 10%.
  • Runescroll of Might: The melee attack power bonus from this consumable has been increased to 16%, up from 8%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 8%.
  • : The melee attack power bonus from this raid buff has been increased to 20%, up from 10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 10%.
  • : The melee attack power bonus from this raid buff has been increased to 10/20%, up from 5/10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 5/10%.

Death Knight

  • Death Strike now heals the death knight whether or not the attack misses, or is dodged/parried. As a result of this change, Death Strike no longer refunds its rune cost if it fails to hit the target, as the death knight will still receive the healing effect.
  • Veteran of the Third War now provides an armor bonus of 55%, up from 30%.
  • Death Knight pets now properly inherit their master’s crit and spell penetration stats.
  • Talent Specializations
    has been redesigned. It now passively reduces damage taken.
  • now has 6 charges, up from 4.
  • now reduces the cooldown of Outbreak by 30 seconds.

  • The gargoyle called by Summon Gargoyle should exclusively use its ranged attack regardless of range to the target.
  • Unholy Might now increases Strength by 25%, up from 20%.

Bug Fixes
  • Death and Decay should now function correctly when Anti-Magic Shell is active.
  • Dancing Rune Weapon will now properly transfer its initial threat to its master.
  • Dark Command should no longer trigger effects that proc from melee attacks.


  • Wrath has a new spell effect and icon.
  • has a new updated visual effect.
  • (Cat) has been reduced to 340% weapon damage, down from 415%.
  • Bear Form now provides an armor bonus of 120% at all levels, up from 65% for characters below level 40, making it easier for lower level druids to tank dungeons.
  • Bear Form now provides a Stamina bonus of 20%, up from 10%.
  • Cyclone and Entangling Roots now suffer from reduced spell pushback.
  • Talent Specializations
    now displays an alternate spell effect when viewed by players hostile to the druid.

  • Wild Growth healing has been reduced by 20%.

  • Glyph of Shred has been renamed Charred Glyph, and now also causes (Cat) to extend the duration of Rip, in addition to its existing Shred functionality.
  • Charred Glyph now also increases the cooldown on Wild Growth by 2 seconds.

Bug Fixes
  • can no longer be cast in certain shapeshift forms.
  • Balance direction and energy should now be properly reset after zoning or switching specs.


  • Monstrous Bite now reduces the target’s healing received by 25%, up from 10%.
  • Talent Specializations
    Beast Mastery
    now increases Attack Power by 30%, up from 25%.
  • now reduces the target’s healing received by 25%, up from 10%.
  • Burrow Attack now does approximately 20% more damage, and has an increased area of effect.
  • Froststorm Breath now does approximately 20% more damage, and has an increased area of effect.

  • now only affects the next Multi-Shot cast.
  • is now activated by targets affected by Marked for Death.

  • damage has been increased by 15%.

Bug Fixes
  • no longer affects melee abilities.
  • The casting bar for Tame Beast should now always indicate the correct cast duration at high values of haste.


  • Pyroblast’s initial damage has been increased by approximately 26%, and its damage over time has been increased by approximately 100%.
  • Fireball damage has been increased by approximately 17%.
  • Talent Specializations
    Living Bomb damage over time has been increased by approximately 10%, and explosion damage has been increased by approximately 120%.
  • ’s damage over time can now hit critically.

Bug Fixes
  • Living Bomb’s interaction with has been cleaned up, and should no longer sometimes fail to spread Living Bomb to new targets. We hope.
  • will now scale correctly with Living Bomb, Pyroblast and Flurry, resulting in an increase in Combustion damage.
  • The reduced effects of Gladiator’s Silk Handguards and Charred Glyph via the global cooldown should now stack properly.
  • Living Bomb damage over time is now properly affected by .
  • Charred Glyph is no longer removed when another temporary speed increase fades.
  • Portal spells should now all have the same mana cost.


  • now has a 3.0-second cast time, no cooldown, and requires a player target. That target is imbued with , which heals them and all group members within 10 yards instantly, and continues to heal them by a smaller amount every 1 second for 3 seconds.
  • , when Judged, no longer returns 15% base mana to the paladin. Judging Seal of Insight still causes damage, and melee attacks will still restore 4% of base mana.
  • , when Judged, now benefits from a multiplier of 20% per stack of , up from 10%.
  • Talent Specializations
    now also reduces the cast time of .
  • (mastery) now also applies to .
  • Infusion of Light now applies its cast time reduction from Holy Shock critical effects to , in addition to its current effects.
  • In addition to providing haste, the effect from now increases mana regeneration from Spirit by 10/20/30% for 60 seconds.
  • Light of Dawn now affects 6 targets (base effect), up from 5.
  • Paragon of Virtue now lowers the cooldown of Divine Protection by 15/30 seconds, up from 10/20 seconds.
  • Speed of Light no longer triggers from and no longer lowers the Holy Radiance cooldown. Speed of Light now only triggers from Divine Protection.
  • , in addition to its current effects, now also causes to always generate 1 charge of Holy Power at all times.
  • Beacon of Light is triggered by Word of Glory, Holy Shock, Flash of Light, Holy Light and Light of Dawn at 50% transference and at 100% transference. It does not transfer , or other sources of healing.

  • Sanctified Wrath now increases the critical hit chance of Hammer of Wrath by 2/4/6%, down from 20/40/60%.
  • (passive) now increases damage by 25%, up from 20%.

  • Charred Glyph now lowers the number of targets to 4, instead of increasing targets to 6, but increases healing by 25%.


  • Divine Hymn now affects 5 targets, up from 3.
  • Talent Specializations
    Atonement will now account for the target enemy's combat reach when calculating proper range, enabling it to be used on large creatures such as Ragnaros and Ala'kir.
  • has a new spell effect.
  • and Dark Evangelism can no longer be stacked at the same time.

  • Spirit of Redemption has been rebuilt to address a few functionality issues and make it more responsive. Spirit of Redemption otherwise remains unchanged.
  • State of Mind has been redesigned and is now called . Heavenly Voice increases the healing done by Divine Hymn by 50/100%, and reduces the cooldown of Divine Hymn by 2.5/5 minutes.
  • Guardian Spirit’s healing bonus has been increased to 60%, up from 40%.
  • now has a cooldown of 10 seconds, down from 15 seconds.

  • Charred Glyph now also increases the mana cost of Holy Word: Sanctify by 20%.

Bug Fixes
  • Mastery: Echo of Light can no longer be triggered by certain spells before it is learned.
  • s should now benefit from effects on the priest that increase spell damage.
  • should now properly gain bonus to crit from Test of Faith.

The Emerald World: Elemental Quest Mac Os Download


  • now reduces the target’s healing received by 25%, up from 10%.
  • Tricks of the Trade has a new sound effect.
  • Bug Fixes
    Mastery: Main Gauche should no longer break effects such as Gouge.


  • no longer increases spell damage. It now increases all non-physical damage done by the wielder by 5%.
  • has a new spell effect.
  • Wind Shear’s base cooldown has been adjusted to 15 seconds, up from 6 seconds.
  • Talent Specializations
    no longer causes to extend the duration of .
  • Earthquake damage has been increased by roughly 75%.
  • Elemental Fury now removes the cooldown from .
  • now reduces the cooldown of Wind Shear by 5/10 seconds, up from 0.5/1 second.
  • now increases the spell power benefit to , Lava Burst, and by 36%, up from 32%.
  • Fire Elemental now benefits from 55% of its master’s spell power, up from 50%

  • now causes Lava Lash to spread a debuff from the target to up to 4 nearby targets. This excludes crowd-controlled targets and those who already have a debuff from the shaman.
  • no longer increases base Lava Lash damage by 15/30%. This increase has been rolled into the base Lava Lash skill.
  • has been redesigned. Instead of granting the shaman spell power, Mental Quickness now causes Enhancement shaman spells to behave as though the shaman has spell power equal to 55% of attack power. Enhancement shaman spells no longer benefit from spell power from other sources.
  • can now also proc from fully absorbed melee attacks.

  • now also causes the shaman's heals to increase the target's maximum health by 5/10% of the amount healed, up to a maximum of 10% of the target's maximum health, for 15 seconds. This effect does not stack if multiple Restoration shaman are present, and does not apply to heals from procs.
  • Riptide's periodic healing coefficient has been increased by 50%. The initial direct heal is unchanged.

Bug Fixes
  • Chain Heal will now animate properly when it bounces to the shaman.


  • Shadow Bolt has a new spell effect.
  • Soul Fire now scales with 72.6% of spell power, up from 62.5%.
  • The Voidwalker ability Suffering now works like the hunter pet talent .
  • Talent Specializations
    now increases the target’s rage, energy, focus, or runic power cost of abilities, rather than reducing their generation.

  • Mastery: Master Demonologist now grants a base bonus of 18.4% and 2.3% per mastery, up from 16% and 2% per mastery.
  • is now also activated by Soul Fire.

  • now increases the damage of Incinerate and on Immolated targets by 5/10/15%, up from 2/4/6%.
  • now deals damage equal to 25/50% of Soul Fire and Imp’s Firebolt, up from 15/30%.
  • damage cap has been raised.
  • Shadowburn now deals Shadowflame damage, instead of Shadow damage.
  • Improved Soul Fire now lasts 20 sec, up from 15sec.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that caused Doomguard and Infernal to benefit dramatically more than intended from Demonology Mastery.


  • Charge (and related abilities) should now correctly path to a target even if the target moves during the Charge. This change should decrease the likelihood of the warrior Charging to a different location than the target.
  • Slam now uses a new character attack animation.
  • now uses a new character attack animation.
  • Several Rage generating abilities now briefly interrupt rage decay when they are cast.
  • Talent Specializations
    Mortal Strike now reduces the target’s healing received by 25%, up from 10%.

  • no longer increases Physical damage by 5%. It continues to increase off-hand attack damage by 25%.
  • now reduces the target’s healing received by 25%, up from 10%.

Bug Fixes
  • Charge (and related abilities) will now function correctly when used immediately after breaking a root effect.

Dungeons & Raids

  • Dungeon Journal entries have been added for the new dungeons: End Time, Well of Eternity, Hour of Twilight, and Dragon Soul.
  • Players who use Dungeon Finder for a random Heroic dungeon will no longer be locked to that instance. Previously, players who entered an instance via the Random Dungeon option were then prohibited from queuing for that dungeon or entering the instance manually via the portal. Players should now always be able to complete a specific Heroic dungeon once per day regardless of any random dungeons completed.
  • Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
    Bosses in Ruins of Ahn'qiraj now drop a rare-quality Scarab Coffer Key which can be used to open the Scarab Coffers found within. These keys are zone-bound to Ruins of Ahn'qiraj and have a 17-hour expiration. This change also applies to Greater Scarab Coffer Keys used to open Large Scarab Coffers.

  • Players now only have to kill two of the four initial dungeon bosses (High Priest Venoxis, Bloodlord Mandokir, High Priestess Kilnara, and Zanzil) to face Jin'do the Godbreaker.

  • Players now only have to kill two of the four Troll avatars before they may face Hex Lord Malacrass.



  • Real ID parties that comprise players from different realms can now queue for battlegrounds together.
  • Random and Call to Arms battlegrounds which result in a tie game will now award bonus honor equal to the bonus honor for a loss.

Isle of Conquest

  • Siege Turret’s Steam Blast range has been increased by 50%.

Warsong Gulch

  • Players spawning at the Alliance graveyard should spawn facing toward the middle of the battleground.

Twin Peaks

  • Players should now receive honor at the conclusion of a match that results in a tie.


  • Guild Standards (Battle Standard of Coordination / Battle Standard of Coordination) are again useable in Firelands. Duration has been increased to 15 minutes, the effect has a 100 yard radius, and now affects dead players.
  • Inactive Guild Leader Replacement
    Guilds with inactive guild leaders can now usurp the leader under specific conditions.


  • Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest: The chance for this item’s effect to be triggered has been reduced.


The Emerald World: Elemental Quest Mac Os X

  • The orc racial Blood Fury now increases spell power rather than only spell damage.
  • The worgen racial Darkflight has a new icon.
  • The gnome racial Escape Artist now has a spell animation associated with its effect.

User Interface

  • Archaeology areas of interest will now show on the mini-map, in addition to the World Map.
  • Bag Search
    A search field has been added to allow players to search bag, bank, guild bank, and Void Storage inventories for specific items.

The Reforging interface has been updated and improved.
Quest Tracking areas or points of interest will now show on the mini-map, in addition to the World Map.
The World Map now displays the expected character levels for each zone.
Added a “promote everyone” checkbox that will automatically make all raid members, Raid assistants. This checkbox can be found in the Raid Frame and the Unit Frame “pull-out” tab.
There are now commands for world markers & unit markers.
Added new rotation, zoom, and pan controls are now available in all windows with player models in UI frames.
Players can now unlearn profession specialization without unlearning the profession (Engineering & Alchemy).
Added functionality to allow using the Command key instead of the Control key on Apple keyboards. This can be enabled in Mac Options.
Added functionality to disable Mac OS system keyboard shortcuts so that they do not interfere with keyboard shortcuts in WoW. This can be enabled in Mac Options.
Added a feature to interact with NPCs, game objects (mailbox, mining nodes, etc.), and corpses on left-click as well as right-click. There is now an option under Interface:Controls to turn this feature off.

General Bug Fixes

  • Pasting from the clipboard should no longer cause the client to crash.
  • Many tooltips have been made more accurate.
  • Using #showtooltip in a macro should now cause the action bar icon to become highlight at the appropriate times.
  • Pet bars will no longer sometimes disappear when zoning.
  • Pets should now more reliably keep up with mounted players.
  • Reflected spells are now affected by the resilience of the player that ultimately takes damage.
  • The process of re-integrating mages into Night Elf society has advanced such that Night Elf Mages now receive all racial bonuses, specifically Elusiveness.
  • Secondary debuffs will now more reliably apply to targets which are knocked out of Stealth or Invisibility.